Warning: desire to want all of these WILL happen.
1. Tables and chairs that fit into a shelf:

Orla Reynolds / Via orlareynolds.com
http://antarescompany.ru / Via antarescompany.ru
Christoph Brenner / Via christophbrenner.de
6. Hollow chair:
Judson Beaumont / Via straightlinedesigns.com
Judson Beaumont / Via straightlinedesigns.com
Julia Kononenko / Via kononenkoid.com
8. Mobile recreation area:
Ruetemple / Via ruetemple.ru

Ruetemple / Via ruetemple.ru
Dedon / Via dedon.de
10. Fusion pool table and dining table:

Amazon / Via amazon.com
Pure Interior Design / Via puurdesign.nu
15. Multifunctional arm chair with a bed attached:

Elena Sidorova / Via icreatived.com
Source: Buzz Feed
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